Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Welcome to the world!

Welcome to the world sweet Baby Jake! I know I'm a little late getting this started, but you'll come to find that that's the case most of the time. So you're forewarned!
I guess I'll start with your amazing entrance into the world. Just a little background - you were due July 8 and Mommy was scheduled for a c-section on July 1. On June 24 at 4:30am, I woke up with some really strong pain which I thought was gas! I went to the bathroom (TMI?), but that didn't help. The pains kept coming about 3 minutes apart. So I woke your dad up and told him I thought you were coming. We started to get everything ready. Your dad called Uncle Jay to come over and watch Ryan. Well, the contractions were so bad and so close together that there was no way I was going to be able to make it from Franklin to Nashville, so your dad called 911 for an ambulance. So the ambulance and fire truck came (yes, sirens and all!). They got me on a stretcher and put me in the ambulance. Your dad was going to follow behind us in the car. Well, just as we were about to drive off, I had a strong contraction and felt like I needed to push, so I did! And something came out! I yelled to the EMT guys that something had come out. So one of them looked and said, "We have a head!" So they got your dad and he got there just in time for me to push again and you came out! Yes, right there in the ambulance in front of our house!! They gave your dad a scalpel and he cut the cord. They wrapped you up and we headed to the hospital in the ambulance! It was a crazy morning! But thankfully we were all OK and nothing was wrong. When we got to the hospital, the doctors and nurses were so amazed by what happened! You were like a little celebrity that day!
But it's been smooth sailing ever since then (knock on wood!). You're a good sleeper and a good eater. And you've got quite a fan in your big brother. He adores you! He loves to kiss on you and give you your paci every time you cry! I have a feeling your first smile is going to be at him and not me (and I'll only be slightly crushed if that happens!!).
You took your first trip a week or so ago to the Morris family reunion. You did great! Everyone loved seeing you and they were all so impressed with your arrival into the world! You've definitely made a name for yourself already!
Right now, there's not much to report on your achievements, but I'll definitely report them as they come. I can't wait to watch you grow! It's going to be so much fun!!!
Until next time, Kiss Kiss from Mommy! I love you!!!!

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